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Around the World in New York: A Foodie's Multicultural Map

Discover international flavors in the Big Apple

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L&B Spumoni Gardens


L&B Spumoni Gardens is an old-school Italian counter that opened in 1939, known for its Sicilian-style square pizza and homemade spumoni ice cream. The square pizza is known for its thick crust, sweet tomato sauce over mozzarella, and a sprinkling of pecorino romano cheese. After enjoying the pizza,...

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L&B Spumoni Gardens


L&B Spumoni Gardens is an old-school Italian counter that opened in 1939, known for its Sicilian-style square pizza and homemade spumoni ice cream. The square pizza is known for its thick crust, sweet tomato sauce over mozzarella, and a sprinkling of pecorino romano cheese. After enjoying the pizza, you can indulge in the spumoni, a creamy Italian ice cream with layers of chocolate, pistachio, and cherry flavors.

2725 86th St, Brooklyn, NY 11223, United States
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