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Around the World in New York: A Foodie's Multicultural Map

Discover international flavors in the Big Apple

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Phở Number 1


This spot serves Vietnamese cuisine focusing on comforting pho noodle soups. The rich, aromatic broth is simmered for hours, served with rice noodles, fresh herbs, and proteins like rare beef or chicken. The menu also includes banh mi sandwiches and spring rolls. Ordering the beef pho with rare stea...

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Phở Number 1


This spot serves Vietnamese cuisine focusing on comforting pho noodle soups. The rich, aromatic broth is simmered for hours, served with rice noodles, fresh herbs, and proteins like rare beef or chicken. The menu also includes banh mi sandwiches and spring rolls. Ordering the beef pho with rare steak and a side of shrimp summer rolls provides a hearty and authentic Vietnamese meal.

2351 86th St, Brooklyn, NY 11214, United States
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