
Rio in Full Color: Art, Culture and Nightlife

Taste, explore and dance the night away in Rio de Janeiro

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Baile Funk in Rocinha (with an experienced guide)


Attending a Baile Funk in Rocinha is an exciting way to experience Rio’s favela culture up close. Choosing a reputable tour operator that supports the community is key, and it’s important to approach the experience with respect. With a local guide, you can safely enjoy these energetic dance parties,...

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Baile Funk in Rocinha (with an experienced guide)


Attending a Baile Funk in Rocinha is an exciting way to experience Rio’s favela culture up close. Choosing a reputable tour operator that supports the community is key, and it’s important to approach the experience with respect. With a local guide, you can safely enjoy these energetic dance parties, where Brazilian funk music fills the air, and locals gather to dance and celebrate.

Via Ápia da Rocinha, 44 - Rocinha, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22451-540, Brazil
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