
Rio in Full Color: Art, Culture and Nightlife

Taste, explore and dance the night away in Rio de Janeiro

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Dutão - Baile Charme do Viaduto de Madureira


Dutão, the Baile Charme held under the Madureira viaduct, is an open-air dance party celebrating "Charme" music, a Brazilian take on soul and R&B. Locals come together every Saturday night to dance to smooth rhythms in a community-focused event that’s been a Madureira staple since the 1990s. It ret...

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Dutão - Baile Charme do Viaduto de Madureira


Dutão, the Baile Charme held under the Madureira viaduct, is an open-air dance party celebrating "Charme" music, a Brazilian take on soul and R&B. Locals come together every Saturday night to dance to smooth rhythms in a community-focused event that’s been a Madureira staple since the 1990s. It retains its original charm and offers a peaceful atmosphere for those who simply want to enjoy a beer and have some fun. Don’t worry if you don’t know how to dance, people are always eager to teach.

R. Carvalho de Souza, 211 - Madureira, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 21350-180, Brazil
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