
Rio in Full Color: Art, Culture and Nightlife

Taste, explore and dance the night away in Rio de Janeiro

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Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro

This building from 1909 is a stunning architectural piece inspired by the Paris Opera, with intricate sculptures, marble details, and grand stained glass. Known for its operas, ballets, and classical concerts, the theater is a gem for lovers of the performing arts. A guided tour is highly recommende...

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Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro

This building from 1909 is a stunning architectural piece inspired by the Paris Opera, with intricate sculptures, marble details, and grand stained glass. Known for its operas, ballets, and classical concerts, the theater is a gem for lovers of the performing arts. A guided tour is highly recommended to get a close look at its elaborate interiors and learn about its history. The first floor is different from the rest of the building. Make sure to check the schedule and book tickets in advance if you’re planning to see a show.

Praça Floriano, S/N - Centro, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 20031-050, Brazil
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