
Rio in Full Color: Art, Culture and Nightlife

Taste, explore and dance the night away in Rio de Janeiro

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Oi Futuro Flamengo

Located in Flamengo, it features exhibitions connecting the past, present, and future. A highlight is the Musehum, a museum dedicated to communications and humanities, showcasing the development of telecommunications and its social impact. The museum offers interactive experiences, including virtual...

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Oi Futuro Flamengo

Located in Flamengo, it features exhibitions connecting the past, present, and future. A highlight is the Musehum, a museum dedicated to communications and humanities, showcasing the development of telecommunications and its social impact. The museum offers interactive experiences, including virtual reality, light shows, and a "super-selfie" feature that turns visitors into 3D museum pieces.

R. Dois de Dezembro, 63 - Flamengo, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22220-040, Brazil
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