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Around the World in New York: A Foodie's Multicultural Map

Discover international flavors in the Big Apple

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Himalayan Yak Restaurant


This spot offers Nepalese, Tibetan, and Indian dishes, bringing the flavors of the Himalayas to the city. The menu includes specialties like momos (dumplings), samay baji, and various curries. The use of authentic spices and ingredients provides a unique dining experience. The sekuwa and chicken mom...

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Himalayan Yak Restaurant


This spot offers Nepalese, Tibetan, and Indian dishes, bringing the flavors of the Himalayas to the city. The menu includes specialties like momos (dumplings), samay baji, and various curries. The use of authentic spices and ingredients provides a unique dining experience. The sekuwa and chicken momos are popular choices that showcase the distinct cuisine of the region.

72-20 Roosevelt Ave, Jackson Heights, NY 11372, United States
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