
Rio in Full Color: Art, Culture and Nightlife

Taste, explore and dance the night away in Rio de Janeiro

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Fábrica Bhering

Cultural center

What used to be a chocolate factory is now a vibrant creative space for artists and designers, a combination of abandoned industrial space and modern art. The multi-story building is packed with studios, galleries, and workshops where you can see contemporary art, fashion, and design in progress. Th...

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Fábrica Bhering

Cultural center

What used to be a chocolate factory is now a vibrant creative space for artists and designers, a combination of abandoned industrial space and modern art. The multi-story building is packed with studios, galleries, and workshops where you can see contemporary art, fashion, and design in progress. The studios often open to the public for events or by appointment, so it’s a good idea to check the schedule. The surrounding area is still mostly industrial, so wear comfortable shoes if you want to explore.

R. Orestes, 28 - Santo Cristo, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 20220-070, Brazil
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